Ballast Water Testing

single ship on water with containers

Operate in the success zone

Australia is one of the world leaders in enforcing regulations to prevent the introduction of invasive species into its unique marine environment via ballast water discharge and bio-fouling.  

D-2 Sampling

International Maritime Organisation's (IMO) regulation D-1 of the ballast water management Convention requires ships to exchange ballast water in mid-ocean to limit the transfer of harmful organisms and pathogens from other ports.

The implementation of the Convention phases out the regulation D-1 and sees vessels required to meet the D-2 regulation. This regulation sets out the discharge standard which requires all vessels to treat their ballast on-board using Ballast Water Management Systems (BWMS) by 2024.

SGS are experts in managing the D-2 Sampling. Get in touch with us today to discover our services.

ships on water

Australian Government finds Ballast testing success

SGS worked with the Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) to outline best practices using cutting edge equipment to sample according to the IMO’s guidelines. Together, the DAWE and SGS produced comprehensive datasets to support the success of the IMO EBP. Utilising SGS’s sampling and testing methods and its global compliance experience, DAWE has also enhanced their expertise which will aid with the implementation of the BWM convention and other shipping environmental regulations.

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VGP Testing

SGS offers a number of Vessel General Permit (VGP) sampling and testing including:

Bilge Water Analysis

- EPA Method 1664 

- ISO 9377-2 (2000) Water Quality

sgs employee antwerp

Gray Water Analysis

Tested against gray water standards for inclusion in annual reports. 

VGP Ballast Testing

Ballast sampling and testing to VGP standards

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